Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
French Napoleonic Artillery Caisson in 28mm...
...a laser-cut wooden model from Blotz
Laser-cut wood models are quite commonly seen in use for model buildings, especially for the wargames market. One of these manufacturers is Blotz, who manufacture the huts and bunk beds I have looked at here before. They also make a whole series of different size bases for use with wargames figures, all made from 2mm MDF. In this case we have a very useful accessory to go with 28mm French Napoleonic Artillery guns and figures. Made on 2 small boards, the parts press out quite neatly, though the small circular axle bosses need a bit of care, so as not to damage them. It can be assembled in just a few minutes and really looks the part. It is also quite inexpensive which is a bonus.

Model built, unpainted.

Model built, unpainted.

Model built, unpainted.

Model built, unpainted.

Basic paint applied

Basic paint applied

Basic paint applied

Basic paint applied