Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Book Reviews
These are my reviews of new books, and old, that you might like to keep a lookout for.
If you would like to keep in touch with news of additions to the Military Model Scene site, then you can do so via Twitter if you follow me on @milmodelscene.

Early Jet Fighters 1944-1954...
...The Soviet Union & Europe, Images of War from Pen & Sword

The Empire Strikes South...
...Japan's Air war Against Northern Australia 1942-45, from Avonmore Books, via Casemate

MacArthur's Papua New Guinea Offensive 1942-1943... Images of War from Pen & Sword

Pacific Adversaries Volume 2...
...Imperial Japanese Navy vs The Allies New Guinea and the Soloons 1942-44, from Avonmore Books via Casemate UK

Black Swan Class Sloops...
...Detailed in the Original Builders' Plans, from Seaforth Publications

Pacific Adversaries, Volume 1...
...JAAF vs The Allies, New Guinea 1942-44, from Avondale Books via Casemate

Battle of the Atlantic 1939-41...
...RAF Coastal Command's Hardest Fight Against the U-Boats, from Osprey Books

The Battleships of the Iowa Class...
...A Design & Operational History, from Naval Institute Press, via Pen & Sword

On the Road to Victory...
...The Rise of Motor Transport with the BEF on the Western Front, from Pen & Sword

The St. Mihiel Offensive...
...12-16 September 1918, a Battleground Guide from Pen & Sword

Kaiserliche und Konigliche Eisenbahn-Bau Kompanie Vol.2...
...Camera On 16, from MMP Books

US Cold War Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles...
...more Images of War from Pen and Sword

Kaiserliche und Konigliche Eisenbahn-Bau Kompanie Vol.1...
...Camera On 15, from MMP Books

British Battleship vs Italian Battleship...
...The Mediterranean 1940-41, Duel 101, from Ospry Publishing

The Battle of the Ypres-Comines Canal 1940...
...A Battleground Dunkirk Guide from Pen & Sword

Glasgow Museums, The Ship Models...
...A History & Complete Illustrated Catalogue, from Seaforth Publications

Tiger I, German Army Heavy Tank...
...Eastern Front, Summer 1943, TankCraft 20 from Pen & Sword

British Cruiser Warfare...
...The Lessons of the Early War, 1939-1941, from Seaforth Publishing

Hungarian Armoured Fighting Vehicles in the Second World War... Images of War, from Pen & Sword

United States Navy Submarines 1900-2019...
...another Images of War book from Pen & Sword

The Americans From Normandy to the German Border, August to Mid-December 1944...
...more Images of War from Pen & Sword

7th SS Mountain Division Prinz Eugen at War 1941-1945...
...another Images of War from Pen & Sword

To War with a 4th Hussar...
...Fighting in Greece, North Africa & The Balkans, from Pen & Sword

American Aircraft Development of the Second World War...
...Research, Experimentation & Modification, from Fonthill Media

British Naval Weapons of WW2, The John Lambert Collection...
...Vol. 2: Escort & Minesweeper Weapons

War of Intervention in Angola vol.2...
...Angolan & Cuban Forces at War 1976-1983, from Helion & Co, via Casemate

Large Scale Warship Models...
...From Kits to Scratch Building, from Seaforth Publications

British Naval Weapons of WW2, The John Lambert Colllection...
...Vol.1: Destroyer Weapons, from Seaforth Publishing

Beneath the Killing Fields...
...Exploring the Subterranean Landscapes of the Western Front, from Pen & Sword

The 1989 Coup D'Etat in Paraguay...
...the End of a Long Dictatorship 1954-1989, from Helion Books via Casemate

The Dunkirk Perimeter and Evacuation 1940...
...a Battleground Dunkirk Guide from Pen & Sword

Messerschmitt Bf 109, The Latter Years...
...a new Air War Archive title from Frontline Books

Valor in Vietnam 1963-1977...
...Chronicles of Honor, Courage and Sacrifice, from Casemate Publishing

Gloster Gladiator Mk I and II (and Sea Gladiator)...
...Monograph 65 3D, from Kagero via Casemate

Visiting the Normandy Invasion Beaches and Battlefields...
...a Helpful Guide Book for Groups and Individuals, from Pen & Sword

Petropavlovsk, Russian ASW Guided Missile Cruiser...
...TopDrawings 74 from Kagero, via Casemate Books

A Battle of Britain Spitfire Squadron...
...the Men & Machines of 152 Sqn in the Summer of 1940, from Pen & Sword

Operational History of the Hungarian Armoured Troops in WW2...
...from Kagero, via Casemate

British Military Test and Evaluation Aircraft 1945-75...
...a FlightCraft Special, from Pen & Sword

The Berlin 1945 Battlefield Guide, Part 2...
...the Battle of Berlin, from Fonthill Media

Spanish Air Force During World War II...
...Germany's Hidden Ally?, from Kagero, via Casemate Books

Narrow Gauge in the Somme Sector...
...Railways Before, During and After WW1, from Pen & Sword

Japan Triumphant, The Far East Campaign 1941-1942...
...more Images of War from Pen & Sword

A Carrier at Risk, Argentine Carrier and Anti-Submarine Ops...
...During the Falklands War, from Helion Books, via Casemate

Camouflage & Markings of Axis Armor in the Balkans Campaigns 1940-1941...
...from Model Centrum Progres, via Casemate

The Falklands War There and Back Again...
...The Story of Naval Party 8901, from Pen & Sword

Walking in the Footsteps of the Fallen, Verdun 1916...
...a fine new Battleground guide from Pen & Sword

Allied Coastal Forces of WWII, vol.1...
...Fairmile Designs & US Submarine Chasers, from Seaforth Publishing

A Visitor's Guide, The Battles of Arras North...
...Vimy Ridage, Oppy Wood and Gavrelle, from Pen & Sword

HMS Badsworth, Hunt-class Escort Destroyer...
...TopDrawings 69, from Kagero, via Casemate

The Battleship The Prince of Wales...
...more SuperDrawings in 3D from Kagero, via Casemate

Modelling German WW2 Armoured Vehicles... Independent review by Tom Cole of my new book from Crowood Press

Western Front - North...
...4th Edition of Major & Mrs Holt's Battlefield Guide, from Pen & Sword

The Luftwaffe Battle of Britain Fighter Pilot's Kitbag...
...Uniforms & Equipment from the Summer of 1940, from Frontline Books

Chinese Battleship vs Japanese Cruiser, Yalu River 1894...
...a new Dual series title from Osprey Books

The Russian Destroyer Spravedlivyy 1956...
...a new Super Drawings in 3D book from Kagero, via Casemate

Vietnam's Final Air Campaign...
...Operation Linebacker I & II May-December 1972, from Pen & Sword

Sturmgeschutze III & Sturmhaubitze 42...
...Ostfront Warfare Series Vol 1 from Panzerwrecks

Before the Birth of the MBT...
...Western Tank Development 1945-1959, from Kagero, via Casemate

Moscow's Game of Poker...
...Russian Military Intervention in Syria, from Helion Books via Casemate

Panzer Rollen...
...the Logistics of a Panzer Division from Primary Sourse, from Pen & Sword

Tankcraft 11, Sherman Tanks...
...US Army, North Western Europe 1944-1945, from Pen & Sword

From the Riviera to the Rhine...
...US Sixth Army Group August 1944 - February 1945, from Casemate Books

The German Armoured Cruiser SMS Blucher...
...more Super Drawings in 3D from Kagero, via Casemate

Monte Cassino...
...Armoured Forces in the Battle for the Gustav Line, Images of War from Pen & Sword

50th At Bay, The Years of Defeat...
...The 50th Northumbrian Div, 1939-42, from Helion Books via Casemate

Thunder Through the Valleys...
...Low Level Flying - Low Level Photography, from Fonthill Media

German Reconnaissance & Support Vehicles 1939-45... Images of War book from Pen & Sword

Armoured Warfare in the Battle of the Bulge 1944...
...a new Images of War from Pen & Sword

British Warship Recognition Volume VII...
...the final part of the Richard Perkins Albums, from Seaforth Publishing

White Rhino 89...
...the last major Cold War exercise of 1st (UK) Armoured Div, from Tankograd

Junkers Ju 88 - the Twilight Years...
...a new Air War Archive title from Frontline Books

French Foreign Legionnaires vs Viet Minh Insurgents...
...North Vietnam 1948-52, from Osprey Books

Tanks, The History of Armoured Warfare... from The Tank Museum and Carlton Publishing

The Imperial Guard of the First Empire...
... Mounted Troops, new from Heimdal via Casemate

Soviet Strategic Bombers...
...The Hammer in the Hammer & the Sickle, from Fonthill Media

History of the Gloster Javelin...
...the First All Weather British Fighter, from Fonthill Media

The History of the Panzerjager vol.1...
...Origins and Evolution 1939-42, from Osprey Books

Tiger I on the Southern Front...
...N. Africa, Sicily and Italy, Tankcraft No.10 from Pen & Sword

US Marine Corps in the Second World War...
...another Images of War book from Pen & Sword

British Warship Recognition Vol. VI...
...The Perkins Identification Albums, from Seaforth Publishing

Ethiopian - Eritraen Wars, Vol.1...
...a new Africa at War series title from Helion & Co, via Casemate

Cromwell vs Jagdpanzer IV, Normandy 1944...
...Duel Series 86, new from Osprey Publishing

Copy Of -Cromwell vs Jagdpanzer IV, Normandy 1944...
...Duel Series 86, new from Osprey Publishing

Tank Wrecks of the Eastern Front 1941-45...
...a new Images of War title from Pen and Sword

Chiang Kai-Shek vs Mao Tse-Tung...
...the Battle for China 1946-49, an Images of War book by Pen and Sword

Dornier Do 17, The Luftwaffe's 'Flying Pencil'...
...a new Air War Archive title from Frontline Books

The Battle for the Channel...
...the first month of the Battle of Britain, from Fonthill Media

Hungarian Armoured Forces in WW2...
...a Photosniper book from Kagero, via Casemate Books

Salerno to the Gustav Line 1943-1944...
...another Images of War title from Pen and Sword

German Armour Lost on the Eastern Front...
...a new Images of War title from Pen and Sword

The Somme 1916, Touring the French Sector...
...a new Battleground Guide from Pen and Sword

German Armour Lost on the Western Front...
...a new Images of War book from Pen and Sword

The Berlin 1945 Battlefield Guide...
...Part 1 Battle of the Oder-Neisse, from Fonthill Media

Stirling to Essen...
...the Godmanchester Stirling, from Fighting High, via Casemate Books

Frankforce, and the Defence of Arras 1940...
...a new Battleground Guide from Pen and Sword

British Warship Recognition 1876-1939 Vol. 5...
...Destroyers, Torpedo Boats and Coastal Forces from Pen and Sword

Air Modeller's Guide to Wingnut Wings vol.2... from AFV Modeller Publications, via Casemate

The Royal Army Medical Corps in the Great War... Images of War title from Pen and Sword

1st Airborne Division, Market Garden 1944...
...another Past & Present title from Casemate Books

The Falaise Gap Battles, Normandy 1944...
...a Past & Present series title from Casemate Publishing

82nd Airborne, Normandy 1944...
...a Past & Present series title from Casemate Publishing

Hitler's Sky Warriors...
...the Fallschirmjager, a new Images of War book from Pen and Sword

The Great War Illustrated 1917...
...over 1000 archive images in this book from Pen and Sword

The Bavarian Army during the 30 Years War...
...a Century of the Soldier title from Helion Books

Spotlight On the Northrop F-5E and F-5F Tiger II...
,,,a new set of profiles from MMP Books

Operation Market Garden Paratroopers Vol 1 and 2...
...the Polish 1st Independent Parachute Brigade from MMP Books

The Story of the Guards Armoured Division...
...a new edition of this excellent history from Pen and Sword

B-25J Mitchell in Combat over Pacific and CBI...
...a book from Kagero via Casemate Books

Extra Discounts on Dunkirk books from Pen and Sword... extra 5% discount on top of their up to 50% discounts

The Australian Soldier, 1914-1918...
...a handy little guide from OREP Editions, via Casemate Books

Bomber Command Airfields of Yorkshire...
...the latest Aviation Heritage title from Pen and Sword

British Destroyers and Frigates...
...the Second World War and After, from Seaforth Publishing

The Panzer III, Hitler's Beast of Burden...
...a new Images of War title from Pen and Sword

Armoured Warfare & the Waffen-SS 1944-45...
...more in the Images of War series from Pen and Sword

Magyer Warriors Vol II...
...a History of the Royal Hungarian Armed Forces from Helion and Co

Experimental Units of the Condor Legion...
...a particularly interesting new book in the Air War Archive series by Frontline Books

Bailout Over Normandy...
...a Flyboy's Adventures with the French Resistance, from Casemate Books

Rising Sun at War, The Japanese Army 1931-45...
...more from the Images of War series by Pen and Sword

Hitler versus Stalin, Kursk to Bagration...
...the third volume in this Images of War series

The First (US) Infantry Division...
...a new Militaria title from Histoire & Collections via Casemate

Great War Fighter Aces 1916-1918... in the Images of War series from Pen and Sword

Zelda M113 in IDF Service, Part 1, Fitters...
...No,9 in the IDF Armour series from Desert Eagle

British Warship Recognition, Volume 3...
...Cruisers, part 1 of the Perkins Albums from Seaforth

The RAF in the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain...
...a Reappraisal of Army and Air Policy 1938-40 from Fonthill Media

Intelligence Images from the Eastern Front...
...Looking Down on War, new from Pen and Sword

Zelda M113 in IDF Service part 2...
...Command and Medevac Variants from Desert Eagle Publishing

Heinkel He III,,,
...the Early Years, a new Air War Archive series title from Pen and Sword

Thor, Anatomy of a Weapon System...
...the Cold War IRBM Missile system from Fonthill Media

The RAF Air Sea Rescue Service in WW2
...another good Images of War title from Pen and Sword

British Warship Recognition, Vol 2
...The Perkins Identification Albums: 2. Armoured Ships 1860-1895, Monitors and Aviation Ships

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