Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
82nd Airborne, Normandy 1944...
...a Past and Present series title from Casemate Books

Title: 82nd Airborne, Normandy 1944
Author: Steven Smith
Publisher: Casemate Books
ISBN: 978-1-61200-536-2
Another new addition to their Past and Present series of books, this one telling the story of the US 82nd Airborne division when they jumped into Normandy in June 1944, in support of the landings at Utah beach. The first of the US airborne divisions to be created, they had previously seen action in Sicily and again at Salerno. While some parachuted into Normandy on D-Day, many others arrived by glider. Among the maps in the book are illustrations of the UK airfields they took-off from, and the routes they followed to Normandy. Then there is more detail showing the many dispersed landing points where they actually landed rather then the planned Drop Zones(with one exception). Some troops were even lost when they landed in flooded areas and the weight of their equipment meant they were unable to get out, and they drowned.
It goes on to tell the story of their experiences, especially the fighting in the town of St Mere Eglise itself and in defence of the bridge at La Fiere, where a number of memorials can be see today. The modern American Airborne Museum in St Mere Eglise is also featured. As is standard with this series, in addition to the variety of helpful maps there are well captioned archive photos alongside many modern photos which show the different places mentioned in the book as they are now, along with the many memorials to those wartime events.
Having visited the area myself in the past, it is certainly a beautiful part of the world while the history that can still be seen there I am sure will fascinate you. With an RRP of just £9.99 these are excellent value for money, and will be a useful reference to carry with you if you do go and visit.
Thanks to Casemate Books for our review copy.