Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Bristol Scout 1264...
...Rebuilding Granddad's Aircraft , from Fonthill Media

Title: Bristol Scout 1264
Author: David Bremner
Publisher: Fonthill Media
ISBN: 978-1-78155-101-1
I am filled with admiration for the author and his friends for the story he tells in this book. An engineer who has had a lot of experience in building and flying both hang gliders and microlights. Little wonder then that his interest was sparked by finding a Magneto, a control column and the rudder bar from a Bristol Scout that his grandfather had flown in WW1, and parts which he had kept as souvenirs. From finding those three parts he made the decision that he would rebuild the rest of the aircraft, specifically serial number 1264, around them. It took 13 years but this is the story of the journey this project took them on.
The book interweaves three related stories. One is the story of their long running project to rebuild a Bristol Scout, using not only the three parts from his grandfather's aircraft but an original period rotary engine as well. The second is the service history of his grandfather during WW1, and particularly his flying within the RNAS over the Eastern Mediterranean. Thirdly there is the story of the designer of the Scout, Frank Barnwell, along with his brother Harold.
The three related elements are well mixed to give a very readable book which includes some technical issues of the aircraft design and operation which is all explained in a very understandable way for the non expert. In the middle of the book there is a section of pictures, both black and white archive images as well as modern day colour photos. I particularly liked the shot of the completed wings ( though without any covering), built and then stored behind the sofa in his friend Theo's front room! To bring a project like this to a successful conclusion over so many years, and understanding the level of research and care that has gone into it show real dedication which you can only admire.
Thanks to Fonthill Media for our review copy.