Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Hataka Paint Sets, New for March 2017...
...6 new acrylic paint sets

RED LINE paint sets – acrylic paint sets optimised for airbrush
1) HTK-AS77 “Modern British Army & RAF AFV paint set”
After the end of WW2 British forces continued to use S.C.C. No. 15 Olive Drab as a base overall colour (except for desert areas where Light Stone was used). After 1955 the new colour - No. 24 Deep Bronze Green in gloss finish - was introduced. The next change was implemented in late 1971 with NATO Green becoming a base colour with black disruptive shapes applied over it (although some vehicles were left in overall green). Middle / Near East operations required use of desert camouflage of overall Light Stone or with first Deep Bronze Green and then NATO Green disruptive pattern. Light Stone was used by the Army both during Op Granby (overall colour) and Op Telic (with NATO Green), while RAF vehicles featured pinkish Desert Sand (and later virtually the same BS381C:380) paint.
HTK-AS77 includes standard colours of British military vehicles since 1950s. The set contains:
•HTK-A271 – BS Deep Bronze Green – BS381C:224, colour of British Army vehicles in Europe & Far East from 1955 till early-1970s. Also used by RAF 2nd TAF till 1958
•HTK-A145 - RAF Blue-Grey – BS381C:633, colour of RAF vehicles in Europe & Far East from end of WW2 till early-1970s (in RAF 2nd TAF introduced in 1958)
•HTK-A275 – BS Golden Yellow - Used until 1960s on upper surfaces (mostly rooftops) or as an overall colour of RAF vehicles operating predominantly on airfields
•HTK-A237 – BS Light Stone – BS381C:361, standard desert colour of post-WW2 British Army (used also during Operations Granby and Telic) and RAF vehicles
•HTK-A215 – BS NATO (IRR) Green – BS381C:285, base colour of British Army & RAF vehicles since early-1970s. Used over Light Stone in desert scheme (Op Telic)
•HTK-A125 – NATO Black – Used for disruptive shapes over NATO (IRR) Green in the standard scheme of majority of British Army vehicles since early-1970s
•HTK-A068 – US Army Desert Sand – Used for desert camo of British vehicles under RAF command during Op Granby. Exact match with BS381C:380 (Op Telic / Herrick)
•HTK-A153 – Acrylic Temporary White – Washable (temporary) matt paint used to cover selected areas in improvised winter camouflage of various British Army AFVs

3) HTK-BS49 “RAF Coastal Command & RN FAA paint set” --> BLUE LINE
HTK-BS49 includes standard colours of British maritime planes during WW2. The set contains the following acrylic paints, optimised for use with brush:
•HTK-B140 – BS Extra Dark Sea Grey – Used for upper surfaces in Temperate Sea Scheme. From 1944 overall colour of upper surfaces of RAF CC aircraft
•HTK-B202 – BS Dark Slate Grey – Used for upper surfaces in Temperate Sea Scheme of RAF CC (until mid-1941 only on flying boats) and RN FAA planes
•HTK-B203 – Sky Grey – Early colour (used approximately until September 1940) of lower surfaces of Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm aircraft
•HTK-B026 - Sky "Type S" – Commonly used (from mid/late-1940) for lower surfaces of RAF CC and RN FAA aircraft in Temperate Sea Scheme
•HTK-B049 – Insignia White – Used from mid-1941 for lower surfaces of RAF CC "big birds". From 1944 lower surfaces colour of all CC aircraft
•HTK-B025 – Interior Grey-Green – Standard colour of cockpit interiors of RAF Coastal Command and RN Fleet Air Arm aircraft throughout the war

5) HTK-CS11 “Early WW2 Polish Army paint set” --> ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS11 includes standard colours of Polish vehicles in 1939. The set contains the following lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:
•HTK-C085 – Polish AFV Khaki Green – Overall colour of Polish Army utility and artillery vehicles (including Ursus A trucks and Fiat personnel carriers)
•HTK-C086 – Polish AFV Greyish Sand – Used in Polish Army three-colour camouflage pattern. Standard colour of AFV interiors at the beginning of WW2
•HTK-C087 – Polish AFV Dark Brown – Used in three-colour camouflage pattern (incl. on TKS tankettes, Vickers E, 7TP, Renault R-35 and Hotchkiss H-35 tanks)
•HTK-C088 – Polish AFV Green – Base colour in three-colour camouflage pattern of Polish Army fighting vehicles after 1936

BLUE LINE paint sets – acrylic paint sets optimised for brush
2) HTK-BS16 “Early WW2 French Air Force paint set” --> BLUE LINE
HTK-BS16 includes standard colours of French aircraft in 1940. The set contains the following acrylic paints, optimised for use with brush:
•HTK-B079 - Brun Foncé - Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French AF camouflage scheme (one of variants of recommended "brown" colour)
•HTK-B080 - Vert - Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French AF camouflage scheme (one of variants of recommended "green" colour)
•HTK-B081 - Terre de Sienne - Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French AF camouflage scheme (one of variants of recommended "brown" colour)
•HTK-B082 – Gris Bleu Foncé - Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French Air Force camouflage scheme of all land-based aircraft
•HTK-B083 - Gris Bleu Clair - Used for lower surfaces in 1938 standard French Air Force camouflage scheme of all land-based aircraft
•HTK-B084 - Kaki Français - Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French AF camouflage scheme (one of variants of recommended "green" colour)

ORANGE LINE paint sets – lacquer based paint sets
4) HTK-CS09 “USAF paint set (Vietnam War Era)” --> ORANGE LINE
HTK-CS09 includes standard camouflage colours of USAF planes in 1960s-70s. The set contains the following lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:
•HTK-C012 – Dark Tan – Used for upper surfaces in USAF SEA camouflage scheme of TAC aircraft
•HTK-C016 – Dark Green – Used for upper surfaces in USAF SEA camouflage scheme of both TAC and SAC aircraft
•HTK-C021 – Medium Green – Used for upper surfaces in USAF SEA camouflage scheme of TAC aircraft
•HTK-C039 – Camouflage Grey – Used for lower surfaces in USAF SEA camouflage scheme of TAC aircraft
•HTK-C041 – Night Black – Used for lower surfaces of F-111s and of all SAC aircraft in USAF SEA camouflage scheme
•HTK-C045 – Air Defence Grey – Standard overall colour of USAF and US ANG air defence aircraft (including F-101s, F-106s and F-4s)

6) HTK-CS51 “US Army paint set (MERDC camouflage)” --> ORANGE LINE
HTK-AS51 includes standard colours of US Army vehicles from mid-1970s till mid-1980s. The set contains the following lacquer based paints, optimised for use with airbrush:
•HTK-C016 – Dark Green – FS34079, "MERDC Forrest Green", used in Winter, Summer and Tropical Verdant and Snow with Trees MERDC variants
•HTK-C209 – Field Drab – FS30118, "MERDC Field Drab", used in Winter Verdant, Snow with Open Terrain and Grey Desert MERDC variants
•HTK-C210 – Sand Brown – FS30277, "MERDC Sand", used in all US MERDC camouflage variants except for Tropical Verdant pattern
•HTK-C041 - Night Black – FS37038, "MERDC Black", used in all variants of MERDC standard camouflage scheme of US armoured vehicles
•HTK-C211 – Interior Green – FS34151, "MERDC Light Green", used in Summer and Tropical Verdant variants of US MERDC camouflage
•HTK-C021 – Medium Green – FS34102, "MERDC Dark Green", used in Tropical Verdant variant of US MERDC camouflage scheme
•HTK-C212 – Earth Yellow – FS30257, "MERDC Earth Yellow", used in Grey Desert and Red Desert variants of US MERDC camouflage
•HTK-C213 – Earth Red – FS30117, "MERDC Earth Red", used in Red Desert variant of US Army MERDC standard camouflage scheme