Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Hot Skies Over Yemen...
...Vol1,Aerial Warfare over the Southern Arabian Peninsula, 1962-1994, Helion & Company, via Casemate Books

Title: Hot Skies Over Yemen
Author: Tom Cooper
Publisher: Helion and Company
ISBN: 978-1-912174-23-2
A paperback format book, No,11 in their Middle East at War series from Helion and Company. When I was young I can remember the news items quite regularly of events in Aden, while British forces were still based there. Indeed, I it was only a few years ago I had a long conversation with a friend of mine at work who told me about his experiences when he was growing up there. In more recent years we think of it as a base for terrorism and civil war. With the countries position on the Southern Arabian Peninsula it occupies an important strategic position. Little wonder then that various countries have their own interests in the region. Britain we know, but also Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Russia all come into the equation over the years.
Using information only recently released from intelligence sources, along with personal accounts and many previously unpublished photos, this tells the story of the air forces involved in the area, the combats and the losses. The author provides the background story as well as the politics of events and the use of air power over the years. The variety of aircraft types are well illustrated, from the early use of Il-28 bombers, MiG-15 and -17 jets, alongside Hunters and Jet Provosts. Then we get to MiG-21's and Su-22 plus F-5, and a few MiG-29 plus both Mi-8 and Mi-24A helicopters. Add maps and 7 pages of colour aircraft profiles this is packed with the detailed story of events many of us know little about, but which offer some interesting colour and marking options for a potential theme for model aircraft.
For the military historian, the aircraft enthusiast and the modeller this is another interesting read. Another book from Helion Books which I can heartily recommend.
Distributed by Casemate Books, who kindly provided my review copy.