Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
German Kommandowagen of BP-42 in 1/72...
...a kit from HobbyBoss
The Kommandowagen is another component that will enable modellers to build up the well known German BP42 armoured train. We have already see HobbyBoss release both the Armoured loco as well as the armoured artillery wagon. Now we have the armoured Command wagon.
Assembly is quite straightforward, The main body of the wagon follows the pattern of the artillery car. This time though we get the large bar aerial mounted on the roof of the wagon. This is the most delicate part of the build. The supports are numbered to fit in particular places while the aerial itself is in two parts. They are quite delicate so need care in removing them from the sprue and in cleaning off any sprue marks. Once joined though, they managed to fit on the supports without any effort whatsoever.
I built mine in one sitting, but it remains to be painted, to go with the train and artillery car. The paint scheme is illustrated on a colour sheet. Also included in the box are four lengths of straight railway track, and if you join them to more that are in the loco and artillery wagons you can build up quite a long length of straight track.
I got mine through Tiger Hobbies.

Box art


Colour guide

Built wagon

Built wagon

Built wagon

Built wagon

Built and painted

Built and painted

Armoured Loco, Artilllerywagen and Kommandowagen together