Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
German M35 Mittlere Panzerwagen ADGZ-Steyr in 1/35...
...a kit from HobbyBoss

The Steyr-ADGZ was an Austrian armoured car built in the mid-1930s which was later used by the German Wehrmacht and Police after the Austro-German Anschluss of 1938. It was officially the M35 Mittlere Panzerwagen. Not built in large numbers, just 27 were made initially, in 1942 the SS ordered another 25 in 1942, making a total production of 52 examples. It has a very unusual look to it and no particular front end as it can be driven from either end. An 8-wheel armoured car but again a difference from the standard German series of 8-wheelers as the central axles each have twin wheels, making it a very identifiable machine.
The kit has no internal details though the access doors and turret hatch can be assembled in the open position. It builds quite easily, just a few etch metal parts and nothing complicated. Due to the lack of any internal detailing, I chose to make mine 'closed-up'. The tyres are a soft black vinyl which have a neat tread pattern moulded in them.
So far mine is built, and basic paint colours have been applied. The panzer grey is spray painted, with tools and details brush painted. It now needs weathering and the transfers applied...
I got mine through Tiger Models.

Box art

Built and basic paint colour

Built and basic paint colour

Built and basic paint colour

Built and basic paint colour