Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
SS Panzer Divisions on the Eastern Front...
...more Images of War from Pen and Sword

Title: SS Panzer Divisions on the Eastern Front
Author: Bob Carruthers
Publisher: Pen and Sword
ISBN: 978-1-47387-728-3
The Images of War series of archive photo references continues to grow at a steady rate, a clear sign of their populariry. One of their recent additions is this one on the topic of SS Panzer Divisions and their combat operations on the Eastern Front, between 1941 and 1945. It is also another title in the series from author Bob Carruthers.
This one is started with 8 pages of text which give the Introduction, the story of the SS Panzer Divisions in Russia and Eastern Europe through to the end of the war. This is followed by a fine collection of archive photos, the bulk of which I had not seen published before. These are presented in a chronological order which tackles the war over the years from 1941 to 1945. All have helpful captioning. For the WW2 historian and for the military modellers there are lots of useful references and diorama inspiration to found within the photos. It also shows the changes in vehicles, equipment and uniforms over the years. From the light AFVs and assorted trucks of the early period, through to the significantly larger and more heavily armed Tigers and Panthers in the later period. We also see the different weather conditions they faced, from hot and dusty summers to the thick mud of wet winter and spring. The wide open spaces of the Russian Steppes and stretching as far as the eye can see, and the wooden houses of countryside villages. As the author notes in his introduction, the SS were responsible for a number of atrocities during the fighting but the tough nature of the fighting SS units could be symbolised by their standards being displayed at the head of the Soviet victory parade at the end of the war.. Another nice addition to the Images of War series to add to your bookshelf.
Thanks to Pen and Sword for this review copy.