Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
United States Marine Corps in Vietnam... 'Images of War' title from Pen & Sword

Title: United States Marine Corps in Vietnam
Author: Michael Green
Publisher: Pen & Sword
ISBN: 978-1-52675-123-2
Another fine addition to the Images of War series from author Michael Green. A soft-cover book as usual, with 205 pages and a good collection of archive photos from the Vietnam War.
The book is split across 4 chapters which give a good overview of the 10 year involvement of the USMC in Vietnam. It starts with The Opening Act, when the US Marines first landed combat troops in Vietnam near Da Nang. It opens with a few pages of text where the author provides a very good account of events, broken down into sub-sections. Then the associated photos, not only ground troops and their equipment, but helicopters and carrier based jet aircraft as well. In chapter 2 it goes on to The Fighting Increases in Scope 1966-67. More units arrive and they undertake various operations and face NVA offensives. Chapter 3 is The Defining Year 1968, most notable for the Tet Offensive and the Marines fighting in Hue, which is well covered in the photos. That leaves chapter 4 to complete the story, Coming to an End 1969-75. Pictures cover all the aspects of Marine employment, tanks, artillery, infantry weapons, aircraft etc. The Body Count was a key feature, and some show the work of the Tunnel Rats.
Anyone interested in the history of the Vietnam War will find plenty to grab their attention in here, packed with black & white archive images, plus some colour shots in one section. Hard to imagine really that the Vietnam War ended 45 years ago now, and the story in the book starts another 10 years earlier. Lots for the historian and equally for the modeller, with plenty of reference for details of uniforms and equipment along with ideas for model dioramas.
Thanks to Pen and Sword for this review copy.