Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Lifecolor, Battle of Britain Paint set
A new release from Lifecolor is this new set of RAF colours from the Battle of Britain period. It is a very handy set as it has the standard Dark Earth, Dark Green and Sky colours, it also has the Light Earth and Light Green shades which were used on the lower wings of bi-planes, such as the Gladiator, which was used in France as well as at home in the UK. So useful for the recent Gladiator kit from Airfix. The other colour in the pack is Grey Green, used on the interior surfaces and cockpit.
Lifecolour acrylics are paints I use a lot, and they are good for brush painting as well as with a bit of their thinner in an airbrush. As with all paints, do make sure they are well mixed/shaken prior to use and you get a nice end result. This is one of the latest sets to arrive in stock with the UK importer, The Airbrush Company.