Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
MB Models News, January/February 2018...
...4 new figure sets due soon

A Press Release from Master Box and a new direction into 1/24 Sci-Fi figures, reminiscent of the bar scenes in the classic movies like Star Wars, Star Trek etc. They look interesting and though not my usual subject area I feel very tempted to have a go at these.
MB Models have begun to work on a completely new direction for them. This is the development of new series of kits in 1/24 scale dedicated to the subject of space fiction and connected by a single story. The choice of this direction is due to the fact that space science fiction is very popular both in cinema and in computer games. At the same time, we did not become attached to the characters of specific serials, movies or games, and tried to make our figures rather universal to interest fans, for example, of "Star Wars", or fans of such TV serials as "Expanse", "Star Trek", and fans of various computer games of this subject. This position is occupied by us absolutely consciously, as it removes the restrictions associated with the fact that the interest in the product does not go beyond the interest in a particular movie or in a particular video game and, therefore, limits strictly the number of those who can be interested in this product.
The series will consist of separate groups of kits telling about separate episodes of Strange Company’s adventures - the characters that we invented and that act within the framework of the story invented by us. In fact, each group of kits is a kind of mini-comics, just made in plastic. Each character, each figure has own name and own biography that is reflected on the box. This approach makes each figure a person, as if animating it and, accordingly, making it more attractive by giving more scope for modeller’s imagination.
The general name of the series is “At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures”.
The first release consists of four kits showing the first episode of their adventures - a random meeting that will take place in the bar of the peripheral space station, which serves as the place of the shelter and of refuelling of space transporters officially, and as the intersection of grifters and violators of the Galactic Law of all stripes unofficially.
Our new releases of January-February 2018 are as follows:
1) 24031 “At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures. Episode I. The first meeting. Wow, I like it!” - this is the first kit in new series “At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures” and it is the part of the story told with the help of our figures in the first episode of the series - about how different characters that encountered in the bar of the peripheral space station accidentally became a cohesive team known later as “Strange Company”. The kit is made in 1/24 scale.
The kit includes three figures:
1. Anton – Space Mercenary:
Anton is a true space mercenary, he will take any job that is sent his way. He lives life by his motto: “one day at a time” and his only expectation is to survive. He would like to make enough money to live his life out in comfort on a small peripheral planet until he dies of old age. He has the skills and professionalism to complete any assignment. He doesn’t give his job a second thought, and has no idea how difficult some of his jobs are or have been, because “Lady Luck” is always on his side.
2. Robie – Robot (Home Assistant Model, heavily modified):
Originally designed to be a home assistant, however fate (and some illegal components) changed his life dramatically. Anton acquired him during one of his illegal military operations on a peripheral planet. Robie suffered quite a lot of damage during a fight between some mercenaries and the colonists and it was necessary to replace his left hand and one of his feet with parts from fighting robot that was blown to bits during the attack. During this process, Robie changed drastically. His Electronic brain took on some very uncharacteristic tendencies, one of which is he now has a very bizarre sense of humor (something not at all uploaded during his production).
3. Ivet – Android Waitress:
Artificially created in the complete likeness of a human female. Ivet has the ability of self-learning, but was limited to the functions of a maintenance staff android. However, hackers found a way to bypass the restrictions in her settings which gave her unusual functions. Such intervention is absolutely illegal and is punishable by the authorities but that isn’t her problem, unless she gets caught. There are unconfirmed rumors that the Government uses the services of hackers to change the functions of harmless robots and androids in their own interests. Ivet was once in the hands of such hackers. She has been used as an informer, on numerous occasions by Drag, Head of the Security Service on the Spaceport.

2) 24033 “At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures. Episode I. The first meeting. Don’t even think about…” - this kit continues new series “At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures” and it is the part of the story told with the help of our figures in the first episode of the series - about how different characters that encountered in the bar of the peripheral space station accidentally became a cohesive team known later as “Strange Company”. The kit is made in 1/24 scale.
The kit includes one figure. This is the figure of Grifter.
Jacqueline – Grifter:
Jacqueline is unbelievably beautiful, a master of the art of seduction. Her allure and sense of danger attracts male and female adventurers alike. She is an expert with all firearms and she demonstrates her art on occasion, winning a bet easily and allowing her to keep undesirable boyfriends at a distance. Jacqueline uses both her feminine charms and her specific knowledge in the field of psychotropic chemicals to gather information that is useful to her. She acquires secrets easily and then sells them for a profit to her other customers. However, this time, Jacqueline could not even imagine that the theft of the chemical formula from a government official, would lead her into a confrontation with the most powerful, most dangerous and most ruthless organization in the whole Mastered Space. This particular Special Division of the Galactic Security Service, does not take kindly to people meddling in their affairs.

3) 24034 “At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures. Episode I. The first meeting. Keep moving, Nothing to see here. Everything is under control” - this kit continues new series “At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures” and it is the part of the story told with the help of our figures in the first episode of the series - about how different characters that encountered in the bar of the peripheral space station accidentally became a cohesive team known later as “Strange Company”. The kit is made in 1/24 scale.
The kit includes two figures:
1. Joker – Owner and Barman:
Joker a creature from the planet “Ug”. He has several names including his family one that humans can’t seem to pronounce. The inhabitants of the station call him either Multi-armed Joe, or the Joker, because of the surprising resemblance he has to this card character. He works part-time as an informer for Drag. He is very sociable, very restless and incredibly mobile. He has a small jet pack which allows him to serve the clients with unprecedented speed, flying around obstacles in the close confines of his establishment with the agility of a fly. He knows everything about everyone and can get absolutely everything (for a price). But even he could not imagine that the meeting between Jacqueline and that Strange Couple, in his bar would lead to such catastrophic consequences that his whole previously, orderly and quiet life would be so upset. His precious bar would be destroyed during a fight between the Government Special Forces and that random group of visitors. He is now on the run persecuted by the Government and every bounty hunter out in space.
2. Drag – Head of Galactic Security Service (ALMAR Space Station):
Drag serves as the Sheriff on board the ALMAR Space Station. Although outstanding in his field, his tendencies to buck the system landed him here at this intermediate space station on the edge of space, that serves as a shelter/way point for refueling and repairs of spaceships doing long distance flights into deep space. Although the crews of commercial vessels (both merchants and pirates) keep him busy, there are never any problems he can’t handle and he has had it pretty easy. Until one not so wonderful day at the bar. Anton, Robie (his robot), Jacqueline and Strange Couple from the Underdeveloped Territories appeared at the bar and things will never be the same.

4) 24035 “At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures. Episode I. The first meeting. Back off” - this kit continues new series “At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures” and it is the part of the story told with the help of our figures in the first episode of the series - about how different characters that encountered in the bar of the peripheral space station accidentally became a cohesive team known later as “Strange Company”. The kit is made in 1/24 scale.
The kit includes two figures:
1. Strange Couple:
BungeeBagla (Bgala) – Hunter/MarAx Clan Ambassador:
Bgala is a female warrior from the MarAx Clan located in the distant Underdeveloped Territories. Her favourite hobby is hunting the most dangerous predators, on the most hostile planets. She is known for her unswerving sense of honour and duty. Her severe conditions growing up, have formed her into a cruel and inflexible fighter. She is the first person the head of the MarAx clan calls on when there is a difficult assignment and he knows she will follow his orders unquestioningly. The Clan sent her to meet with Jacqueline and acquire the information they seek (a secret formula that was stolen from an off world Government Official). When she met with Jacqueline at the bar on the ALMAR Space Station, they were attacked immediately by the Special Mission Unit of the Galactic Security Service. If not for Boomer, they would have been defeated. Bgala also returned fire, causing chaos in the bar and a fight ensued, that forced the rest the visitors of the bar to also fight, destroying the bar and joining our group together if, for no other purpose than to survive.
2. Boomer – Fighting Robot Model # B 1-6-39:
Since working with Bgala, they also have earned the nickname B & B because they work so well together. They think and act as one, this is one of the reasons that they survived the attack in the bat on ALMAR Space Station.
He was created exclusively as a fighting model but has received numerous up-grades that make him far superior to any other fighting robot in production. He has evolved and has his own intelligence, which allows him to perform tasks independent of his mission parameters. He is programmed to unconditionally follow Bgala's orders, but he has also become fond of her and will not allow anyone or anything to harm her. He would gladly give up his own life to save her. He is constantly scanning every known channel and bio scans of humans and other life forms in search of potential threats for Bgala. Therefore, anyone who wants to address or communicate with Bgala needs to use extreme caution, as Boomer can and will attack without warning, if he feels that Bgala or the B & B team is threatened.

Box Art

Back of box information

Computer Graphic of figures

Computer Graphic of figures

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Box Art

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Computer Graphic of figures

Computer Graphic of figures

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Box Art

Back of box information

Computer Graphic of figures

Computer Graphic of figures

Computer Graphic of figures

Computer Graphic of figures

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Box Art

Back of box information

Computer Graphic of figures

Computer Graphic of figures

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