Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
MB Military Vehicle Wasp Flamethrower...
...building the Meng kit
This Jeep was a conversion in real life, built for use by Popski's Private Army when they were operating in Italy, having moved across from North Africa. The kit is named as an MB Military Vehicle, no doubt due to licencing restrictions/costs not allowing them to call it what it is, a Willys MB Jeep. I'm afraid I lose patience with this copyright issue for a kit of such a historic subject, and, though not for this particular kit, have been told in the past how much some companies want for a model company to use their name. The cost pretty much makes it not worth them making the model. As I say, that comment is not related to this particular model but is an issue.
This kit from Meng has been available for a while. At first I was not sure I would buy it but eventually I did and goodness I am glad I did. I have really enjoyed building this one. It looks relatively complex, but actually it isn't. The fit of parts is first class. Do check the instructions carefully, as you need to remove the rear bumpers and drill some holes in the underside of the body shell before you get on with the assembly. There is engine detail as well but that can't be seen once the bonnet is fixed in place. Vinyl tube is provided for the tubing from the fuel tank to the flame gun, whereas the top tubes you can plainly see are plastic moulded parts, and fitted perfectly.
The detail for the engine and chassis, then the bodywork and flame system is very good indeed, and when painting, the bright red controls and caps give that little splash of colour to the drab khaki colour. Transfers are included for the instrument panel which are good, but very small in some cases. These need to be placed before you get to add the steering wheel. I got everything built and painted then added the instruments, finally fitting the steering wheel last of all.
I bought mine through Tiger Hobbies Ltd here in the UK

Box art


Colour and marking guide

Completed model, subject to weathering

Completed model, subject to weathering

Completed model, subject to weathering

Completed model, subject to weathering

Hopefully you can see the transfers on the instrument panel