Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Modelcollect 1/72 Russian Tanks...
...some excellent modern kits

Modelcollect is a recent addition to our list of kit manufacturers and they are based in China, having started up in 2012. They are doing primarily 1/72 Russian built military vehicles, along with some of the later war 'what if' German designs that never went into production. Others include a few US vehicles and the German V-1 launch ramp, the one I haven't managed to get hold of yet but am most keen to see. They are also doing a few aircraft while also offering the AFV subjects as made-up models.
I've got one of the made-up models, the new Russian T-14 Armata and it is very nicely done. There are a couple of photos in the gallery below. A couple of others that I have been pleased to see in plastic and have built are the early T-64 Mod 1972, which has the early style 'gill' armour on the sides of the hull, and an experimental tank based on the T-80 which never went into production, the Black Eagle. Both of these assemble very neatly and I have enjoyed building them, with their link and length style tracks.
Personally I am really pleased to see their subject choices, which are featuring a number of the large Russian MAZ based chassis vehicles mounting rocket systems, coastal artillery, Command Vehicle and a tank transporter (a kit I am currently working on at the time of writing this).

Ready built model

Ready built model

Ready built model

Ready built model

Ready built model

Ready built model