Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Tanks in the Battle of the Bulge...
...from Osprey Publishing

Title: Tanks in the Battle of the Bulge
Author: Steven J. Zaloga
Publisher: Osprey
ISBN: 978-1-4728-3922-0
Number 281 in the New Vanguard series of soft-cover books from Osprey, and another from the well known author, Steve Zaloga. In this one he looks at the comparitive strengths and weaknesses of the tanks and tank destroyers which fought during the Battle of the Bulge in the winter of 1944.
The 48-page book opens with a few pages that give the background to the campaign, the German Operation Herstnebel (Autumn Mist). Then it moves on to the detail of the Tanks, Doctrine and Organisation of German, US and British tank units which were to be involved in the fighting in the Ardennes in that hard winter period of 1944. Next come the Technical Factors which affected both sides before getting to the Battle Analysis which is in turn broken down into Organisational and Doctrinal Lessons, Technical Lessons, and finally, Tank Casualties.
There are a number of data tables throughout the book which give some interesting comparative figures and as we expect with these Osprey books, plenty of archive images and some excellent colour artwork. These include the disguised Stug IIIs and Panthers which the Germans used to create confusion by painting them Olive Drab and adding Allied Star markings. A good value book and handy addition to your references if you have an interest in the Battle of the Bulge, as a historian or as a modeller.
Thanks to Osprey Publishing for this review copy.