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Robin Buckland's
Visiting the Normandy Invasion Beaches and Battlefields...
...a Helpful Guide Book for Groups and Individuals, from Pen and Sword

Title: Visiting the Normandy Invasion Beaches and Battlefields
Author: Gareth Hughes
Publisher: Pen and Sword
ISBN: 978-1-47385-432-1
Well timed for this year of the 75th anniversary of D-Day, this neat little paperback provides a good guide for the Normandy Invasion Beaches. Written by Gareth Hughes, who is Head of History & Politics at Pocklington School near York, and is aimed especially at those who may be leading a school tour to Normandy, but also useful for individuals and families who would like to tour the beaches.
After the opening introduction and comments there is a Timeline of WW2 and then a chapter briefly describing the historical story of WW2. Next, a piece on Remembrance, and particularly the CWGC (Commonwealth War Graves Commission). Another useful section for the newcomer to the D-Day story is a Glossary of particular terms associated with the invasion. Then back to the history, of the Invasion itself.
Then we get to the heart of the book, which details two tours, including notes to speak to your group about, with a 1-day tour of the American landings, Utah and Omaha. That is followed by a 2-day tour of the British and Canadian landings, Gold, Juno, Sword, and the airborne sites of Pegasus Bridge and the Merville Battery. At the end there are additional sites you might like to visit plus what I think is a great piece of advice, and that is not to try and fit too much into a single day.
Useful for both groups and individuals to plan a trip to Normandy, and handy enough in size to carry with you.
Thanks to Pen and Sword for this review copy.