Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
T-34/76 with 1943 turret in 1/56...
...from Rubicon Models
I continue to enjoy these 1/56 scale kits from Rubicon Models, aimed primarily at 28mm wargamers. In this case the famous T-34/76 and it comes with a choice of road-wheel styles and a choice of the early turrets. When I bought this one, I also got the T-34/85 and that comes with a 'bonus' of an extra 76 turret, the 1943 style, and that is the one I have used to go with this hull, rather than the one included in this base kit.
Assembly is straightforward, just decide which variant you want to build before you start. The running gear is provided as single units, with the track and front roadwheels as a single unit, with sprocket, idler and inner roadwheels to add. They go together quickly and easily and the fit of parts is very good. A good selection of transfers are included so plenty of choice even if you go for multiple kits. SO far mine has been given a base coat of Russian Green, the detail painting and weathering all to follow.
I bought mine through Tiger Hobbies here in the UK.
Box art
Back of box
Kit built, using alternative turret that comes with their T-34/85 kit
Kit built, using alternative turret that comes with their T-34/85 kit
Kit built, using alternative turret that comes with their T-34/85 kit
Kit built, using alternative turret that comes with their T-34/85 kit
Basic Paint applied
Basic Paint applied
Basic Paint applied
Basic Paint applied