Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Russian 9K728 Iskander-K in 1/72...
...Cruise Missile/MZKT
chassis, a kit from ModelCollect

This is another of ModelCollects small scale kits of modern Russian equipment, and in this case a cruise missile launcher fittind to the MZKT 8x8 truck chassis. MZKT is a Belarusian based truck manufacturer in Minsk and they make civilian trucks under the name of Volat. They specialise in heavy off-road vehicles, particularly military vehicles. The Iskander-K is a cruise missile with two of these housed in a TEL (Transporter Erector Launcher) on the 8-wheel drive MZKT-7930 chassis.
First used with the Iskander-M, a short range ballistic missile, the Iskander-K (K stands for krylataya or "winged") carries two Cruise Missiles in the same TEL vehicle. These began going into service around 2010 and remain in Russian service today, bot the -M and -K versions.
There is a lot to this kit, especially with the big 8x8 chassis. It goes together well, though I'm not sure I would suggest it to a beginner as it helps to have experience before tackling the complexities of the chassis and the drive units. The suspension units are quite delicate and need some care to ensure all 8 are lined up to get the correct sit of all 8-wheels on the ground. The 8 big tyres are hollow, soft black vinyl the fit neatly over the hubs. Just check you have all the treads facing the right way. I did take one shortcut with this build, as I wanted to make it with the body closed, so while there is detail of the two launch containers and the erector mechanism inside the body, I simply left them out as being totally invisible in the final model if the large doors are closed. I will do another at some point and that will be opened up. I built it in stages of chassis, cab, and then the launch unit separately. So far all is done, and basic paint applied, but a mesh screen to go over a fan on the body side, and protective bars over the two roof top light fittings. I also need to add the cab glazing, though as these are fitted from the outside that should work well. So one or two bits to finish off, but mostly done and hopefully the pictures will show you. I enjoyed the build and ModelCollect have done a nice job with this one.
Some good news also that Tiger Hobbies here in the UK are now importing the ModelCollect range.

Box art

Assembled chassis

Assembled chassis

Assembled chassis

Cab and chassis built and painted

Cab and chassis built and painted

Assembled missile body

Assembled missile body

Assembled missile body

Assembled missile body

Assembled body just placed on chassis

Assembled body just placed on chassis

Assembled body just placed on chassis

Assembled body just placed on chassis

Assembled and basic paint, just glazing and 3 etch detail parts to be fitted

Assembled and basic paint, just glazing and 3 etch detail parts to be fitted

Assembled and basic paint, just glazing and 3 etch detail parts to be fitted

Assembled and basic paint, just glazing and 3 etch detail parts to be fitted

Completed build

Completed build

Completed build

Completed build

Completed build