Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
TankCraft 20, Tiger I...
...German Army Heavy Tank, Eastern Front, Summer 1943, from Pen and Sword

Title: TankCraft 20, Tiger I
Author: Dennis Oliver
Publisher: Pen and Sword Books
ISBN: 978-1-52675-582-7
For number 20 in the TankCraft series we have another from author Dennis Oliver. Back to the subject of the Tiger I and back to the Eastern Front for the Summer of 1943, which encompasses the time of Operation Citadel, the failed offensive at Kursk.
After an Introduction which sets the scene, along with a helpful map of the region we have a Chronology of Events. Then the details of the Tiger equipped units, with coverage of each of the Schwere Panzer Abteilungs 502, 503 and 505, all Army (Heer) units and each including an organisation chart. This leads on to a section on Camouflage & Markings, featuring 10 pages of excellent artwork illustrating the Tigers plus some detailed unit markings. Then we get to the Modellers Showcase, showing us some of the best models out there, from some very capable modellers. These include a 1/48 kit built be Ralph Reise; 1/35 kits, 2 by Naomasa Dairaku and one by Luciano Rodriguez. As usual with the series, these are followed by a section on Model Products, which tells us about the various kits on the market in different scales, and from different manufacturers. Couple with this are accessories in the form of decal sets from Star Decals.
Then it is back to the real thing, and a continuation of coverage of the Heer units, with Panzer Regiment Grossdeutschland. It moves on to SS units, Panzer Regiments 1, 2 and 3. The closing section deals with Technical Details and Modifications, telling us about the adaptations made to the tanks once they were in service, and supported as ever by a good selection of archive images. Another book aimed squarely at the armour modeller and once again Dennis has done a very good job of it.
Thanks to Pen and Sword for this copy.