Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
TankCraft 10, Tiger I German Army Heavy Tank...
...Southern Front, North Africa, Sicily and Italy 1942-45, new from Pen and Sword

Title: TankCraft 10, Tiger I German Heavy Tank, Southern Front
Author: Dennis Oliver
Publisher: Pen and Sword Books
ISBN: 978-1-52673-977-1
Book No 10 in their TankCraft series from Pen and Sword is another in this series by author Dennis Oliver, and the second to tackle the broad history of the famous Tiger I. This time he takes on the story of the Tiger's service on the Southern Front, covering North Africa, Sicily and Italy.
The book starts with an introduction and 15 pages that provide 3 section with a map for each, giving significant dates and facts about each of the three elements in sequence, North Africa, Sicily and Italy. That is then followed by 11 more pages of neatly done colour profiles, showing a good variety of colours and marking schemes which modellers will find very useful, and a selection of markings for the various units that operated the Tiger I in the Southern Front. An interesting mix of schemes, and a good illustration of detail differences, such as the different size and style of tactical numbers used on the turret by different units.
Next we have the Showcase section with some expertly finished models in 1/35 scale along with one in 1/48. The modellers include Ralph Riese, Lim Kian Guan, John Tham, and Andrea Maselli who also builds a Borgeward B.IV demolition vehicle which operated with the Tigers of schwere panzer-abteilung 508 in Italy. Staying with the modeller, Dennis then provides details of a first class assessment of a wide variety of kits for the Tiger I, with plastic and resin kits, etch detailing sets and accessory sets such as individual link tracks.Then we go back to the real thing, with 8-pages telling the story of the various Tiger units which operated on the Southern Fronts, and these do include graphical representation of the different units, the company structure and the individual tactical numbers of each tank. That is followed by a section looking at the Technical Details and Modifications that were implemented to tanks in service. Then everything is rounded off a few pages to detail the Panzer Colours used on the Tigers in the three regions.
Added to the informative text, maps, colour artwork, model showcase and model products, we have some useful archive reference photos spread throughout the book. Another fine addition to the Tankcraft series from Dennis Oliver, and being on the subject of the ever popular Tiger I this is sure to be popular.
Thanks to Pen and Sword for this review copy.