Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Militar Fahrzeug, 2-2019...
...from Tankograd

Title: Militar Fahrzeug 2-2019
Publisher: Tankograd
The most recent issue of German language magazine Militar Fahrzeug is the second of these quarterly publications. As ever, an interesting mix of features, well illustrated with an excellent selection of good quality photos, a mix of both modern colour images and archive black & white.
As usual it starts off with some military Industry news and that's followed by a report on NATO exercise Trident Juncture 2018, which took place in Norway and involved units from the USMC, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Germany and the UK. Interesting to see photos of the US Navy LCAC, deployed from the USS New York LPD. Then back in time, the VW Beetle in service with Canadian forces in Germany after the war. That is followed by a larger feature on the modern restoration of a Jadgpanther, and the end result looks superb. Odd seeing it in the factory with modern Leopards in the background though. Then a one-pager on the Iowa Gold Star Museum before another major feature on the modern US Army M1296 Stryker Infantry Carrier - Dragoon.
Back in time again for the next one, with the Autocannone 102/35 SPA 9000C truck mounted gun from WW1.Then we switch back to a modern topic again, a feature article on another NATO exercise, Hedgehog/Siil 2019, on NATO's Eastern flank, and a mix of equipment on show. Another museum visit follows, the Musee Guerre & Paix en Ardennes. Then two more articles from the days of the West German Army in the Cold War period. The first is their use of US made equipment, including the M113 and the large Sikorsky Skycrane helicopter before a longer feature on the German 5-ton LKW MAN L2A and L2AE - 'Emma', in service in various formats with the Bundeswehr. This issue is rounded off with a British Army article, the eFP Battle Group in Estonia and finishing with another one-page museum visit, to the Austrian Heeresgeschichtliches Museum in Vienna.
Thanks to UK stockists Bookworld for my example.