Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Panzer im Scharfen Schuss...
... from Tankograd

Title: Panzer im Scharfen Schuss
Author: Walter Bohm
Publisher: Tankograd
Issue 4 in the Panzer Manover series from Tankograd, and this one features a tank firepower exercise. All the text is in German but even if you are not good with understanding the text, the superb colour images provide the bulk of the interest in this one. The first half of the book illustrates the firepower elements of the exercise, with some impressive photos as the main guns fire. There are also some support situations, such as vehicle maintenance, support vehicles and even a helicopter.
The second half of the book carries photos of each of the types of MBT that were there to represent each country. The US Army had the M1A2 SEP V2, Germany had their Leopard 2A6, France brought the Leclerc S XXI, Austria their Leopard 2A4, Poland the Leopard 2A5, Sweden their Stridsvagn 122 (a variant of the Leopard 2A5), the UK had the Challenger 2 and finally Ukraine brought their T-84 Oplot, which also has the bonus of being finished in an Urban camouflage scheme. The final couple of pages hold images of the different recovery vehicles (ARVs) that were there in support.
As ever, some excellent references for modellers as well as modern military vehicle enthusiasts.
Thanks to UK stockists Bookworld for my example.