Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Victrix Games News April 2020...

...more from Victrix Games
Some news from Victrix, and their new associated range, Victrix Games. So, as well as news of additions to their new range of figures and AFVs in 12mm scale, there are also new 28mm figure sets in the works as well.
Here we are showing the latest renders of our 12mm infantry, German and British. These figures will be used in the rifle companies of infantry regiments. (See gallery for images)
Next stage is to start on the HQ and heavy weapons for a typical British and German infantry regiment.
We also want to highlight the fabulous painting of Ruben Torregosa by showing some of the Victrix Games forthcoming 12mm WWII range. The vehicle range continues to expand and we are currently tooling the Tiger 1 E, Churchill 6pdr, Sherman Firefly, M10 Wolverine, M5 Stuart and Puma armoured car. Soon to be ready for tooling will be the Sdkfz 251/D and M3 Half Track.
We are producing a full range of 12mm transfers for this range. The following sheets will be available:
4 x separate sets of German crosses and tactical numbers.
2 sheets of Allied stars with British tank names.
2 sheets of US stars with US tank names and serial numbers.
1 sheet of British divisional, unit and squadron markings.
1 sheet of Free French markings including stars, crosses of Lorraine, names, tricolours plus other markings.
And 28mm figures-
The final Norman command figure is now complete and this set will now move to the tooling stage. As of yet we do not have a release date. We will come back and tackle Norman cavalry later on this year.
The Persian light cavalry are now complete and these will also move to the tooling stage. We are now working on Persian armoured cavalry.
Thanks to Victrix for the new